Based in Northern vignia, embwrites is a blog by poet Em. Her works explore themes surrounding self exploration and emotional expression.  


She loved to hug,
always squeezing so
tight like she wanted you to
feel the love in your bones.

She loved purple,
letters sent on purple stationary,
messages dotted with purple hearts.

She loved cucumber sushi,
“Kappa maki!” she exclaimed
to me the first time she tried it.

She loved plants,
but it couldn’t be just one or two —
at least sixty or seventy
took up residence in her room.

She loved to jump,
the most pure form of
jumping for joy.

She loved her dog,
her fluffy brown “Puppo!”
that always barreled
through every room.

She loved to teach,
showing me how
to hand hug and
how to feel less alone.

She loved Phineas and Ferb,
and Doc McStuffins
and Winnie the Pooh.

She loved a medium hot
coffee, small splash of cream
and two stevia.

And above all else, she loved.
